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Candidly Captivating with Camila

Hello! My name is Camila Valencia and I am from Slippery Rock, PA. I am a senior Integrated Marketing Communication major at Slippery Rock University who is interested in all things social media, fashion, and travel. During my free time I participate in clubs at school such as the student organization of Latinos/Hispanics and College Dress Relief. These clubs allow me to engage with my biggest passions in life and that is my love for fashion, sustainability and celebrating my Colombian heritage.

To kick off my senior year I had the pleasure of taking a New Media Journalism class so I could expand my journalism knowledge and apply it to the new age of social media, blogs and podcasts. I am excited to dive into the world of blogging and dig deep into finding news around me as well as inspire others to do the same. I named this blog "Candidly Captivating with Camila" because my goal is to captivate news in the most honest way I can and provide coverage on topics that are most important to me. These topics primarily include fighting against racial injustice and climate change.


A legacy media outlet I enjoy subscribing to is The New York Times. I don't usually have time to watch TV or read magazines so following them on social media allows me to be in the loop while I casually scroll through Instagram in my free time. I appreciate their adaptability to the Instagram format in which they make their posts engaging and easy to read. A newer digital media outlet I love is Buzzfeed. Buzzfeed mainly focuses on pop culture news as well as provides lifestyle blogs and videos which serves as entertainment.


Don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Facebook to get a better glimpse of my life!


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